At this time, it appears that more and more people are spontaneously having Expansions of Consciousness. By spontaneous, we mean they are not planned or contrived, but occur for apparently no reason.
Most of you will be happy with your Experience(s) but may be curious to know if others have had similar Revelations. You might also seek explanations and an understanding of what has been shown to you. However, it might be that you are struggling to come to terms with your Awakening(s) and want some form of reassurance that they are quite natural and that you are not alone.
Whatever the case, we want to be able to provide you with accurate information and practical guidance. We are a loosely affiliated group of Light and Sound Meditators who have spent years guiding and mentoring others who wished to know the Truth.
Awakening Experiences
This page describes in detail the various forms of Awakening. They tend to fall into three main categories:
● What is seen as a form of Light.
● What is heard as a form of Sound.
● Feelings that are not physical in origin.
This page attempts to define what is meant by true Spiritual Enlightenment. As this is a particularly difficult concept and virtually impossible to describe, our approach is to focus on what it is not!
Most people who have had Spiritual Awakenings are happy to continue as they are and simply wish to let things unfold naturally. However, some might want to ask questions or find ways to improve their chance of communing with the Spiritual Realms. It is for those people that we offer practical guidance and also the opportunity to contact people who have had similar Experiences.
Traditional Path
This page outlines the traditional Meditative Path and describes the various Stages in detail. We have presented this, so people who have had Spontaneous Awakenings can see the similarities. It also provides a simple model for Seekers to gleen some understanding of the Spiritual Realms. This may help create a better perspective for your Realizations.
We have created a Testimonial Page so that you can read about a variety of Awakening Experiences and be reassured that they tend to happen quite naturally and are nothing to be concerned about. They should be seen as an amazing Gift and an opportunity to explore further.
We offer a contact page so that you can ask, in total confidence, any questions regarding your Awakening(s) and Spiritual matters in general.
Please understand that everything we do is completely free. We operate a “Pay it Forward Principle”, so those who have already received incredible Spiritual Insights, pass on their Knowledge and Wisdom to those who seek to unravel the Mysteries themselves.
We would like to thank Amanda Sage for her kind permission to use the beautiful image of Limbic Resonance depicting the Transference of Spiritual Energy between two Beings.