Transmissions from Paulo
17th March 2022
Hello (M) this is Peter.
When someone dies in tragic circumstances, it is more difficult for them when they reach the Heaven World. They wish to Communicate with the people they loved and who loved them that they are OK, and not to be concerned. Paulo is happy that he was able to do this.
Please continue to send your loving thoughts to him and feel him there with you all in Spirit.
5th March 2022
Hello this is Paulo.
It’s good that I can still Communicate with you all. Things can get very complicated on Earth, but Here it so simple and clear. I’m being told that this was my time to leave my earthly existence.It’s so easy to get caught up in situations and challenges, but I can really see now how unimportant they were – they didn’t seem so at the time.
He explained to me that he had planned to have a difficult life, that he would want to end prematurely on a number of occasions. He has been told that he actually did very well to have lived so long. He wants all the speculation and intrigue surrounding his death to stop.
This my most important Message yet. To have the Gift of a human body (even a flawed one) should never be taken for granted or abused in any way. Look after it – it’s so precious.
It’s clear now that my main Mission on Earth was to find a true Spiritual Path of Meditation, then to teach as much as I was
able – that was accomplished.People are needing Spirituality more than ever now to cut through all the madness and see that the World is still full of beautiful people and wonderful things are happening. There is Love in everyone. Trust that all will be well.
1st March 2022
Paulo are you there?
Because of the circumstances of my passing it seems there is much to deal with Here – unresolved issues ideally are not what you should take into the “Heaven World.”
The maxim, “Try to make your life simple” is very good advice. Please learn from my mistakes, look to your relationships and dealings with people, and if there is any discord try and sort it.
As far as you are able, try to be at peace with everyone – even the warmongers have their place on Earth and have their parts to play! When you start to Meditate you see things in a very different way, don’t be drawn back into old patterns of behavior.
Your Meditation, if practiced with reverence, will give you a clarity in your life. You will be able to see your way forward and deal with situations better. If a situation keeps coming up time and time again you really need to address it.
Be kind, be patient, be trustworthy – but above all Love each other.
24th February 2022
This is Paulo.
It is hard to explain how time works here – if I could things would be a lot easier for me to express. I know that everyone is interested in how things are in the “Heaven World.”
We are just so happy that you have found Peace.
Yes, there is definitely Peace – you move at your own pace – looking at your actions on Earth and how they affected you and others – no judgement – just a Loving Presence Guiding you through the Process.
I feel such Love coming through from all those Meditating on Earth who knew me – it’s wonderful.
Dear All
Paulo is now able to Connect directly with Mary. However, he is trying to say everything at once….the result is completely unintelligible! She therefore asked him to simply impart just one Message which worked perfectly.
We sense that Paulo is going to Teach us much about the process of Passing into the Spiritual Realms. He is already throwing up many intriguing questions that hopefully, in time, will be answered.
Love and Light
23rd February 2022
Hello (M), Paulo here!
The number one Message I have to give to everyone, is that focusing on your Meditation and making it the most important thing in your life is so important – as Meditation is the only thing that is REAL!
22nd February 2022
How are you Paulo?
You are seeing things so much differently now. Have you any Insights to share with us? It would be be so much appreciated.
Well (M) with the help of your Guide and mine we can Communicate directly.
I can say that my “World” now is L O V E only Love.
Dear All
Mary received a Message from a member of the Spiritual Hierarchy (Peter) last night which I have appended word for word below. Please share this with the people who loved Paulo.
When a person leaves this Earthly plane they need to work initially through their Guides. The ability to Communicate directly has to be learnt and may take Paulo some time.
Everybody, Spiritual people included, have life lessons. Often a person who is destined to become Enlightened will take on particularly difficult challenges…as in the case of our dear departed friend.
He has complete clarity on his life now and can also see the amazing effect of the Lightwave to which he devoted his final years. He needs us, his closest friends, to forgive him. We know that at times he was troubled and found life difficult. However, he was always thinking of others and in particular trying to help people Spiritually. When we sit to Meditate let him know we understand the human part of him and that we release him completely into the Spiritual Realms.
I am sure he has much important Work ahead of him and may continue to play a part in the Ascension of our Planet. If we get any more Messages we will, of course, share them with you.
I suspect there may be more to come!
Love and Light
20th February 2022
I think Paulo is here…..
Yes (M) – this is Peter, he has been waiting to speak with you.
He is sorry about the trouble he has caused and really wants to make amends. Now he can see from a totally different perspective and is in awe of what is happening around the Planet.
Thank you, he says to all the people who have paid such an amazing tribute to him, and he feels that he has totally let them down.
Please forgive me….he says. In this totally Loving Environment I have been shown many things. I should never have let things escalate the way they did. There is no excuse!
More Messages will appear here as we (hopefully) receive further Transmissions.
Transmissions from Julius
6th April 2020
Hello everyone – this is Julius.
I would like to say how important it is to send your Love and Care to the World right now! Please do this throughout the day, not just during your Meditation sessions.
The more the Meditators of Light and Sound send their Love, the quicker the virus will go. This is because this Energy is very powerful, more powerful than any other Meditators in the World.
Do this, the World needs you right now!
I need to say more later, but this is the most important. I think you are feeling that the Spiritual Hierarchy are now making your Meditations very strong. Use this Energy to help the World, not only to take away the virus but to become more Loving and Giving.
4th March 2020
This is Julius.
I’d like to say how wonderful that you are all together and speaking about the things that really matter. The worldly things come and go but this is permanent. Once you have the Light and Sound it never goes away. If you embrace it, your life can be so simple. There is nothing that matters more.We see people worrying and caring for this and that. Then these cares go away only to be replaced by other cares.
The Light and Sound, used as a tool can help you to rise above all these things so there can be more acceptance and tolerance .
2nd March 2020
This is Julius. I wanted to talk to you about being in the “Heaven World”. Nothing could have prepared me for the immense Joy and Peace here.
I can see clearly so much more now. Without the hindrance of a physical body I have no restrictions – I know that is hard to imagine.
25th February 2020
This is Julius. If people are not Initiated and haven’t had any Spiritual yearning they will not go further in the Heaven World than what might be called the type of existence they had on Earth. For example, if they were into learning they would continue that in the ‘Heaven World’ – Learning things that they were drawn to or had an interest in.
Each Soul has its own agenda and incarnates to fulfil that agenda but also to maybe have the opportunity to be Spiritually elevated. If they are lucky enough to find a Spiritual Path they should take the opportunity as that is the goal of every Soul, to eventually find their True Nature, which shows them that they are God in Essence.
Then, not only do they experience Freedom on Earth, but also in the Heaven Existence.
How great is that!
24th February 2020
This is Julius. You are asking about people who ascend to the ‘Heaven Existence’ who are not Spiritually elevated and those who are.
Although my time here is relatively short it seems that because of my State of Enlightenment I am able to travel far into the Spiritual Realms quite easily and have access to much Knowledge. If someone dies without having access to the Light and Sound they don’t have that Freedom. Sometimes they stay absorbed with the family they have left behind or an aspect of that life for a long time.
Imagine that, you have Freedom in the life you are living now, you have transcended the physical/emotions and your mind already and moved to the Higher Dimensions already while still in a physical body.
If you are not Initiated or Awakened in some Spiritual way you need to do that when you pass over, but there are limits to how far you can go.
23rd February 2020
This is from Julius.
Life is very simple, although mostly it is made complicated by people wanting more than they need. That includes everything from knowledge, possessions and self worth.
At birth people have their own special gifts and identities which should be nurtured like a plant to grow strong and to be able to cope with life’s ups and downs.
You have all you need inside, nurture what you have been given.
22nd February 2020
Just as on Earth I was Julius the brother, the son, the father, the friend and the Teacher, in this World I am many things too.
My Mission has always been to give of myself in many ways, to reach out to more and more people. This has not changed.
You will see my words showing different reflections of my Beautiful, all Loving, all Inclusive Existence.
20th February 2020
If you want to come to me, there is nothing that holds you back but your mind, come and enter this space where everything is, simply is.
In this space without time, there is no past, no present, no future. You float in outer space and you can travel many places in fractions of a second.You are so fragile and yet so powerful.
You are at a point of volatile and magical light, where you manage to understand many things, which you didn’t understand before.
Here everything is beauty and fulfilment, harmony and love.Come, I see you within, come, it’s an eternal invitation. Go within where everything simply is.
Come to this space, where we unite in one heart, here there are no hands, here there are souls that unite and dance in unison, dance to the rhythm of the universe.
Here it is all beautiful and blissful.
Meditation and silence is our means of communication, silence and nothingness is our language.
I am Julius from within, from the Universe. We are not separated, we are more united than ever.
I Love you, I Love you, we Love each other Infinitely !!!
20th February 2020
This is Julius. I have been finding out about my life on Earth this time. It’s very interesting to review your life and see the patterns that happen time and time again, in relationships and the way you think and behave.
It’s when you start to Meditate that things can change – you can see what life is really about. Things become clearer in the Stillness and Beauty of Meditation and it’s so much easier to change the patterns that are causing you pain.
19th February 2020
This is Julius. Things are changing with me now. Again, it’s hard to explain, but I am meeting many Souls who have recently passed.
They all have their story, mostly about missing opportunities. They talk about having what they consider to be good lives, but they focus on those times when they missed doing things because of fear, guilt or just laziness.
It seems that people are given opportunities to learn, grow, Love and serve every day. But, because of their habits they don’t realize the importance of changing their ideas.
Life is for living, not being stuck in the same patterns and ways of doing things.
18th February 2020
This is Julius. Please don’t be sad at my passing. Be happy that my pain and suffering is no more. It was hard to communicate in my last days and it’s so good to have my voice back again.
I owe so much to my family and friends who cared for me.
There is much that I could say about that but for now it’s important to focus on the Spiritual side. On Earth I wished to be able to stay longer to continue my Mission but I’m being made to see that it was time for me to go. There are many wonderful people out there who are spreading the Lightwave which makes me very happy.
Please continue because people are more and more wanting to find the Peace and Stillness inside.
17th February 2020
This is Julius. I can stay here to talk to you for a while yet, then I will have to leave. There are rules here, even for Adepts! But this is good, because I will need to start my work here.
I want to stay and give you an insight that people want, as I know it is what they are interested in. But, my main message today is: Don’t worry too much about your death and what happens to you. It is your LIFE that you should be concerned with.
Do as much as you can to help and give of yourself and to love everyone in spite of who they are. Like I said before it’s not your duty to judge, yourself or others. If you can truly do this then you will be ready to move smoothly into the “Heaven Existence”.
Of course, the Meditation is important too, in order to give yourself the opportunity to become Enlightened – the best gift of all!
Thank you – I have much to say – see you soon.
16th February 2020
This is Julius. Hello – we will make a good team. I know you normally need to Meditate first but because we know each other things are different.
I wish I could explain properly to you what it’s like Here but it is so different you need to experience it. Everyone here is Kind and Loving; perhaps when I have been here longer I will learn how to explain things better.
On Earth the lessons you learn sometimes are subtle, but here it’s wham bam; you know you’re learning, all the lessons are coated with Love! You can’t possibly get upset as you know it’s for your own good.
We judge ourselves too harshly. All is perfect!
15th February 2020
This is Julius. Hey, let’s get going – this is good!
I’m watching and learning here, very different to how I imagined it to be. Everyone is Special here, I mean the Beings who I have met who have died, everyone is Special.
I am very happy all is Bright, very Beautiful and very Loving. I can see without judgement, Everything.
I will speak some more.
14th February 2020
This is the Guide of Julius. He is anxious to make contact with you and allay your fears about the current situation. He says, All is well, there is only Love and Love is Victorious. That is all for now but he wants to say more on another occasion. He Loves you very much.
Transmissions from Emmanuel
21st October 2017
Emmanuel here – True happiness comes from within, it doesn’t depend on what you have.
Meditating on the Light and Sound is a case of balance. If you are not meditating on both the Energies mostly about the same time then it affects the way you view things.
The more you Meditate on the Light then you will tend to analyze
the more you Meditate on the Sound the more you will let things be. You need both to be a well rounded Spiritual person. (N), you are simply learning how to “let things be” more by listening to the sound, As soon as we think you are ready then the Light will return.
13th September 2017
Emmanuel here – I would like to tell you (N) how happy I am to work with you again. I always saw you as a great leader with a lot of common sense to sort out any difficulties.
It is extremely important (M) that you stay calm and don’t exert your mind too much. Keep your life very simple to get yourself better. Let things pass over you and don’t become involved – your personality wants to help and do things but at this time keep away from those things.
12th September 2017
Emmanuel here – I would like to talk to my relatives and people of my town and tell them not to mourn for me. It is so wonderful to be here, you cannot imagine. You must join the Path and meditate. It helps you to be able to understand your life, it helps you to be more compassionate to others. It generally makes you to be a happier person. Please do this thing for me.
11th September 2017
This is Emmanuel.
I am still here for a while longer, I have been talking to other people too, it has been wonderful.
(M), you and (N) need to understand more about the Ascension and how it will affect the planet. There will be a lot more displacement of people due to weather conditions, also refugees. People are resilient at the moment but things will get a lot worse, in Europe also, in fact everywhere – and more deaths. Disease will come from poor water supplies. It has to be this way, there are too many people and the Earth cannot sustain them. There are many people in the World today who would rather die than live in such conditions. I’m talking about war zones, hunger, poverty, disease, people who are sick. It will be a welcome release for them. Then people like Julius and Issac can really get going building the Path, many more Initiations and a wonderful raising of the vibration of the whole planet …. and beyond.
3rd September 2017
This is Emmanuel.
There will be highs and lows as in all things on Earth. Luckily, you and (N) are mainly in the centre of things that are positive so if you are feeling things are not going as you would like them to be on an individual basis, usually around the World there will be something positive to help you along, Never think that what you do has no value and is not worthwhile. Hundreds of people around the World are benefiting from what you and (N) are doing. More and more each day are coming to the Path and you will see a big jump in the numbers soon.
You will lose track of the number of people coming along to be Initiated but that doesn’t matter as there are other groups with the same or similar remit as yours, added to theirs you will reach the target.
26th August 2017
This is Emmanuel.
It is important to remember the good things that happen, because even in the bad times they will be there, no matter how small they seem. They may be missed because they are taken for granted – like good health or a place to live.
Life is all about where your focus is, always have a realistic dream to aim for. That is especially important as you get older, your dreams are just as valuable to your state of mind at that stage of your life. Keep yourself busy, active and helpful – according to your state of health, and wellbeing.
25th August 2017
This is Emmanuel. (N) and (M) – from where we are looking, you two are “little starlets” shining in the wilderness of life going on around you. Very bright lights trying to raise people’s awareness to reach for higher goals. A tough job.
Life is what you make it. You can either walk with your head down or your head up. You can take your opportunities or ignore them. You can ask for help or not – either from the heavens or from your fellow man. By asking for help you are giving the other person/Being, the chance to Give.
To give is the greatest thing you can do and gives the most satisfaction. The trick is the balance between Giving and Taking – by allowing other people to Give too.
24th August 2017
Emmanuel here – The freedom is so great and because of my Enlightenment on Earth I am able to do so many things. How can I explain………….It is like a child in a sweet shop, so much to do and explore.
Both of you must try to rest yourselves during your break from routine as when you get home things will be very busy. Nick, you must rest too and do some more meditation. There are Beings in this world I find myself in who really want to be in touch with you directly. Open yourself to that possibility.
23rd August 2017
This is Emmanuel.
It is so different Here – you cannot imagine – I am viewing with an all seeing eye and can see all at once – and take it all in. Everyone is running with their own agendas which they cultivated from their birth – clashing sometimes/often with other people’s agendas. We smile often at this as most of the time it is unnecessary and is borne out of made up mistrust or misunderstanding.
So, in the same way the Ascension is often made up by people who think they know this and that. The Ascension is happening right now as people are becoming aware of more, previously hidden, phenomena. What you are doing (N) and (M) is perfect. Gently showing and guiding people along the way of Knowing – in a broad sense.
21st August 2017
This is Emmanuel and I am pleased to be able to help you (M) and send my special Love to you both. You mostly need to watch your stress levels so try to keep as calm as possible at all times and let things go more. It may be helpful to say a mantra LAA TEE RAA when you are heading for a negative spiral.
We need to look more now on Initiates being encouraged not only to send Love every day to the Planet and its inhabitants, but also to each other. Offer forgiveness when someone does you wrong and try to be kind to them. It is not always easy and you shouldn’t be a doormat, but sometimes it is better just to let things go and accept the other person’s personality rather than to fight it.
Try to make your Earthly lives as simple as possible by clearing any Anger from your hearts. Everyone has their own Karma to deal with and can’t always help behaving as they do.
Always choose Peace not War.
20th August 2017
(M) – this is Emmanuel here. I am able to talk with you directly now – I have been learning from your Guide and my Guide now to do this thing.
Please do not worry about your health, we in the heavens are sorting everything. It must not concern you as all is going as it should and you are getting better from your illness despite little backward steps here and there. You will be more positive from tomorrow and will be able to relax more. You must still rest a lot, but in between do normal things – your break is good for you to rest yourself. You have been doing too much for your body, mind and spirit to cope with.
YOU MUST NOT go back to how things were. This is to do with your health and wellbeing but also you are needed to help with Spiritual Matters.
16th August 2017
Emmanuel is saying to tell you that a lot is going on with regard to the Meditation and the Ascension in different parts of the world ( not only in your group). Amazing changes are taking place that would not have been possible only a short time ago.
What you are doing (N) is not unique, they can’t rely on just one group to be instrumental in changing the consciousness of the Planet.
That is not to say that what you do are doing is not vital to the course, but you are part of a team of Light Workers, all doing their very important roles.
14th August 2017
Emmanuel is saying that he wished he could have done more in Windhoek. But he is pleased to be able to communicate with you and he is saying Thank you and Hi to (N).
On the other side you don’t feel “dead” but more alive than ever. Mary, you are being helped a lot from here as They need you to get better to bring down important information about the Ascension (not yet).
You and (N) are both Loved immensely and applauded for the work you are doing. You both need to ask for help more about anything. That is the way it works.
13th August 2017
We are happy to say that Emmanuel has plenty of time to wait. As time is so different here, “wait” does not have the same meaning in your sense.
But what he does want to say is that he had no idea of the scale of the Meditation Lightwave and its power. More people need to plug themselves into the “socket” to tap into the immense source of
Transcendental Awakening available right now. People who have recently been Initiated do not realise the need for really stepping up their meditation to get the maximum benefit, not only for themselves but for the planet itself. This is so important.
2nd August 2017
Emmanuel wants to say that he wants to talk to you and he has many things to say that he couldn’t during the last years of this life because of his illness. He is learning so much now and wants to share that with you. There is no hurry.
(N), you must follow your intuition and your heart with regard to the Ascension (next stage), you will be guided as we all are, in death as in life. Lay yourself open – ask for help in this.
23rd July 2017
This man is thrilled to be able to make contact with you – he is beaming from ear to ear.
We will take this slowly over a few evenings so as not to tire you.
He is saying I must tell you how much people who pass over appreciate what you do. He is sending his Love and wants to say that he is viewing things from a very different perspective now. The perspective from Earth is very limited no matter how much meditation or studying people do.
All people really need to do is to Love and Respect each other and all things. Don’t complicate things…….be kind, helpful and honest.
Emmanuel feels he can help the cause more from the other side.