We have noticed that, in the last few years, many people around the World are having Spontaneous Awakenings. What is also amazing is the number of children who are reporting to their parents that they can hear the Sound and see the Light. The Sound is usually a low rumbling tone and the Light comprised of many changing shapes and colours.
The children seem to embrace the Energies quite naturally and are excited to share their Experiences. They do so without predjudice or analysis and simply observe. Often, they are a source of inspiration and Wisdom for their parents who may be struggling with the challenges of Meditation!
If you would like your children to make contact with the Light and Sound, we can help. Simply send us an email and we will explain the procedure. There is no age limit and no meditation requirement. The children with this ability seem to be able to switch easily between their physical existence and the Spiritual Realms.
A beautiful quote (translated from Spanish) from a Colombian mother who revealed the Light and Sound to her 4 year old son:
This is a good question because many parents will have these Special Children who need to be nurtured carefully so their talents are supported with Love and Gratitude (that they are fortunate to have them). These parents will learn much from their children and should encourage them to express themselves about their experiences and wishes.
Talk to them about their dreams and encourage them to write them down if they are prophetic. Above all, listen to them and be supportive of them. Meditate with them, develop this at an early age if you can.
Age, in general, has nothing to do with maturity, in many cases the child can be more mature than an adult.