Awakening Experiences

Awakening can take many forms. It can range from feeling slightly disoriented and out of synchronization with the body and/or mind, to a complete Oneness with the Universe.

People might only experience one Awakening in their lifetime. However, others may report a series of Awakenings as if they were part of a Spiritual Journey.

Curiously, the “trigger” can often be extreme emotions or mental anguish. This can result from feelings of utter despair and deep depression. It is as if a person is taken to an absolute limit and then something “cracks” and they find themselves in an altered state of Consciousness.

This is usually described as a massive release, as if breaking out of a prison. Occasionally people report a disorientation and disconnection that makes them feel vulnerable. This is generally because they sense they are out of control and may think there is something seriously wrong with them. As a consequence they tend to keep things to themselves for fear of rejection and ridicule.

On the other hand, the “trigger” may be due to a state of mild euphoria. This can occur, for example: when listening to music, while glancing out of a window in a moving vehicle or when communing with Nature.

Many people consider their Experience(s) as being Spiritual and are happy to have had amazing insights into expanded States of Consciousness. What we are describing here will have happened without the use of drugs, hypnosis or meditation techniques.

By reading books or checking out the internet, people find they are not alone and there are many others who have testified to the same Experiences and Expansions.

The question then arises, will the Experiences repeat at some later date leading to even more Expansions? Some may even ask, “Am I Enlightened?”


Spiritual Light

What we are referring to should never be confused with physical light. Light of the Spiritual Realms has a spectacular quality that suggests it is Alive! It may be described using familiar colours such as White, Gold, Red, Blue and even Black but these are not the same as their Earthly counterparts. Remember these are usually seen with ones eyes closed. What is therefore observed is free of the usual optical aberrations. What is revealed is sheer Perfection and the Light is often compared to the brightness of the Sun!

The Visions of Light are sometimes accompanied by Feelings of Love and Bliss and a sense of wanting to dissolve. People often report a sense of Travelling through the Light, sometimes even a feeling an acceleration.

What is seen generally falls into two categories:

● The first category is best described as familiar objects and landscapes which include astronomical space. The objects might be simply a table, trees or a group of people. The panoramas can be beautiful demonstrations of nature that include rivers, forests and mountains. Visions of travelling in Space and witnessing stars, intricate nebulae and Galaxies are also common.

● The second category is far more abstract and may include wonderful geometric forms which may seem multidimensional. There are also vast Regions of White or Golden White Light, together with Tunnels and incredible Regions of pure Blackness. In all cases there is a sense of fullness and the Presence of an Intelligence. Those people with religious backgrounds will invariably use the term God!

After returning from such Experiences a person generally feels happier and more content with their life. Often they lose the fear of death and in fact say they are looking forward to dying. They realise that they have a Spiritual Body as well as a physical one. It is also quite common for people to Experience a State of Consciousness that lies beyond their mind!



Spiritual Sound

As with the Light it can take many forms. The most common is a series of high pitched frequencies which can often be confused with medical conditions such as tinnitus. Tinnitus is usually causes by prolonged exposure to loud sounds or simply old age. What is therefore fascinating is to discover the number of young children that are aware of the Sound Current!
The Sound can appear on one side, both sides or create a surround Sound experience. It is not considered as unpleasent like tinnitus and is independent of any ambient noise. For example a person may easily detect its presence when travelling at speed in a car or listening to loud music.

As well as high frequencies it is possible to detect Sounds akin to musical instruments and some people report hearing entire orchestras. There is also a low frequency rumbling which can even cause the body to shake as if one was in an earthquake!

Sometimes people will find themselves in a bubble of Sound which then expands and takes them on a Journey of Consciousness. During the Journey the Sound may suddenly cut and pure Silence is Experienced, which is not even interupted by thoughts!


Feelings and Sensations

These can vary from physical sensations to incredible Expansions of Being. A person may feel slight pressures on their body, typically around the head. This is often reported as a pleasent, gentle massage. Sometimes this can appear to be happening inside the body as a kind of cellular reconstruction or rewiring.
Another Feeling can be that of a wonderful Presence which exudes Love and Compassion; it is not uncommon for people to use the term Angel.
When Conscious of the Light and/or Sound Energies a sense of rapid motion can sometimes be felt which contradicts logic, as the body can be quite still during these events. It is not uncommon for a person to feel trepidation and fear as they realise they have lost control; when this happens the experience usually stops quite abruptly. This leaves the person wondering what would have happened if they had really let go?
Finally, a person may Feel completely detatched from their body and sometimes their mind. Ocassionally, all sense of Self will disappear and a total Merging with Oneness will occur. This is what we refer to as true Spiritual Enlightenment.


If you want to share your Awakening(s) with us in absolute confidence through the Contact Page, we would be happy to help you understand what has happened to you. Additionally, we can point you in a direction to Expand further, if that is your wish.