Monthly Archives: January 2020

Testimonial (P.D.)

  Message: I am responding to your ‘Spiritual Sounds’ article. Firstly, I must say that I stumbled upon your website today. As you will note, today is December 24th, the day before Christmas and I have found myself completely removed from the hoopla that is now fictionally created by this world. But, mesmerized and captivated by this ‘Enlightened’ experience or… Read more →

Connection and Oneness

  Spiritual Awakenings generally fall into three categories: Hearing high pitched frequencies, Seeing a beautiful inner Light and feeling a connection with one’s surroundings. The first two are relatively easy to describe and Spiritual books contain many references to these experiences. However, the third category, though profound, is much harder to convey using words. It is perhaps best to attempt… Read more →