I hear bells, water drops and wind. I see beautiful pink flowers going down a pole, purple dots and colours of the rainbow. I see circles and squares surrounded by black. The squares and circles disappear then other ones come – and become bigger. When I meditate I feel really calm. Read more →
Monthly Archives: June 2022
Testimonial (L) 3 years old.
When I close my eyes I see all kind of colours. You can compare it with a rainbow. Most of the time I experience the colours very intense. I don’t like to stop when I meditate. Some examples of colours which I see are red and white. I have also seen yellow, magenta and orange. At the moment I… Read more →
Testimonial ( D) 7 years old.
I meditate since a few months. I mainly see Light, but do not hear much Sound. Several of my friends do hear the Light and Sound. I do see Light, but I am also analysing the Light. So sometimes I have some amazing stories. 😉 The last three weeks I meditate on three main inner colours: yellow, magenta and… Read more →
Testimonial (R) 15 years old.
A few years ago we did some meditation at home. I found myself comfortable with that. Last year I started to meditate again. During one meditation I started to see the Light and hear the Sound, a groundtone. When I was younger I was triggered by two symbols: (1) the Infinity symbol and (2) the Yin Yang symbol. At… Read more →