Since I was very little I always felt that there was something else and I was sure that at some point I would understand it better. One day I was watching TV and a person came out talking about Kabbalah, I didn’t listen much but something told me to look for something close to this. I went to a… Read more →
Nick Howell
Testimonial (E.P.C.)
I was initiated in Kriya yoga over 25 years ago by a Master disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda and my 3rd eye has brought me to many amazing worlds. Focusing inward after opening my 3rd eye I continue to chant softly inwardly and watch as the inner darkness starts to slowly shimmer with scattered light that then merged into two… Read more →
Heavenly Communications
One of the great Mysteries is what happens to us after we die. We have some evidence from people who have had near death experiences. However, as all these people return it could be argued that this is not conclusive proof of an afterlife. What we need is reliable Communication from someone, who having passed away, has the ability… Read more →
Testimonial (S.M.)
The longest and most impactful experience I’ve had so far that I would consider an awakening would be the Time I was sitting at a bus stop on a main road after school to go home. At the time I was dealing with and learning from heavy emotions, however at some point I decided that I would no longer… Read more →
Testimonial (P.D.)
Message: I am responding to your ‘Spiritual Sounds’ article. Firstly, I must say that I stumbled upon your website today. As you will note, today is December 24th, the day before Christmas and I have found myself completely removed from the hoopla that is now fictionally created by this world. But, mesmerized and captivated by this ‘Enlightened’ experience or… Read more →
Connection and Oneness
Spiritual Awakenings generally fall into three categories: Hearing high pitched frequencies, Seeing a beautiful inner Light and feeling a connection with one’s surroundings. The first two are relatively easy to describe and Spiritual books contain many references to these experiences. However, the third category, though profound, is much harder to convey using words. It is perhaps best to attempt… Read more →
Testimonial (S.S.)
I definitely wish to seek the light and sound initiation as I believe it will help me expand further so that I may help others. I have been experiencing expansion of being with lots of energy in the crown chakra. I’ve experienced the pinpoints of light and beautiful colorful geometric patterns with eyes closed and “hearing” tones. I had… Read more →
Testimonial (D.B.)
My initial awakening happened over several days so I am just going to summarize it for now. I tried to keep a journal but things were so intense that I was overwhelmed and some events are now blurry. I will try to write it again later for you to publish when I can access my diary and thoughts better.… Read more →
Testimonial (T.R.)
So, based on what I read on the web pages, I plunged into meditation on the inner sound today. I have decided to give it the time it appears to require–this means going from my usual 20-30 minute meditation periods to much longer periods. It is much easier for me to hear the unstruck sound than to “see” inner… Read more →
Testimonial (O.J.)
When I was a child I could hear high pitched sounds. Sometimes, when I lay in bed they would take the form of musical instruments. My parents used to tell me that it was just my imagination. As I grew the sounds began to fade. However, in my late teens I had an expansion of consciousness in which I… Read more →